Fabulous Favors

Lately, we have been talking about some considerations for table settings at the wedding reception. I have one more related area I’d like to visit before we move on to another topic.
      I know many people agonize over what to do for wedding or party favors. Cost is often a very important consideration; when a couple has 200 hundred wedding guests attending the reception, the thought of giving each of them a gift that will be liked, but within budget can be a little daunting. Still, you want to give a gift that reflects your fabulous event.
      Wedding favors are quite often simple mementos of the event. As such, there really are many options that are inexpensive if you are willing to think creatively. You may also need to be willing to invest a little extra time or conscript/hire someone to help if the gift is a DIY project. If you choose a DIY favor, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Some favors scarcely take more investment than the often-seen candy bag favors, but they have more significance because they are personalized to your event.
      There are several areas you can draw inspiration from to select your favors. We’ve talked enough about the formality (and theme) of your event enough that this may now be springing into your mind semi-automatically. The theme of the event can offer several ideas. For example, quite often weddings that with a garden party feel will have gifts that include flowers. Another source of inspiration is a mutual activity or interest that is important in your relationship. You can draw ideas from the venue for the event or the time of year as we once did at an outdoor event by creating hand-held fans. It was very warm that day and the fans provided a welcome breeze. A key to a good favor is to give your guests something that is useful, yet aesthetically pleasing. We in America are blessed with an overabundance of “stuff”. Too much “stuff” clutters up our lives and makes daily living more complicated and less pleasant because the simpleness has been robbed from it. I say this because you are taking the time to let your guests know that you are glad they are at the event celebrating with you and most people will truly appreciate a favor that does more than collect dust. Don’t be afraid to go simple, but think of how your guests will respond to the gesture. Sometimes, it’s the small, yet thoughtful gifts that mean the most.


